The Heavens opened and the rain poured down....we hurriedly dropped all the blinds on the verandah, shifted some of the furniture in from the edges...and hoped for the best!
It had all been set up, crisp white tablecloths........glasses, wine, food, flowers..................and ART...would the people come out in THIS weather......ah Durban....perhaps not?
....and to those who helped - in particular Cheryl and Trevor Cox, who both just did not stop running to and fro with the eats and drinks!!...
To the artists and guests alike - Thank you for your invaluable support!...........To the artists in particular - your work was outstanding - I thank you for making it one of the best exhibits yet!!...
(top photo - Cheryl Cox , my right hand lady!! and me)
The quality of work on exhibit was acknowledged , and commented on, by many!
Given the theme of the exhibition, Emergence, the artist's comments about their paintings/works had all been noted on the Exhibit cards - this proved to be a factor that most enjoyed - providing a little more information about the piece than the usual details viz title, medium.

Ladies night out,l-r: Rose Howell,fellow guest and artist Maddy Finlay
and then, of course, the heartrending account shared by Ros Visagie of God's Treasure Chest - the nominated charity. Ros' story of the beginnings of the home for rescued children was both enlightening and challenging! That one woman, with an enormous capacity to love, can pursue her vision to give children abandoned and close to death, lives filled with hope and a future - is indeed humbling! (Photo above, l-r: Ros Visagie and Karien Hunter).
So, what have art and charities to do with one another?? Therein lies the challenge to us all.... in these difficult and trying economic times, it's often difficult to take the focus off ourselves and place it on the needs of others less fortunate.
The primary intent of the exhibition is indeed to showcase and sell the wonderful pieces that all have been so hard at work on; but if we allow self to dominate - a stifling of the creative's with eyes and hearts wide open that we get to see, hear and appreciate the world around us!!
With permission, I would like to quote two extracts from The Saga of the Soul (Atomic Atman), by D C Leslie-Pringle which is a satirical piece about human nature in's thought provoking - an introspective tool....
… and the victims of your avarice
fall like chafe before the scythe,
as you trample through their suffering
heedless of their cries.
… and you reap a ravished harvest
in the conquests you pursue …
as you crush the weak and weary,
leaving scars across their lives!
… and the profits in your coffers … lie tarnished,
like their blood upon the sand.
… and the jewels of your emporium,
are the lives of those betrayed.
Tho’ you’re blind to their accusing,
your guilt has soiled your hands!
.....and another excerpt from the last versefall like chafe before the scythe,
as you trample through their suffering
heedless of their cries.
… and you reap a ravished harvest
in the conquests you pursue …
as you crush the weak and weary,
leaving scars across their lives!
… and the profits in your coffers … lie tarnished,
like their blood upon the sand.
… and the jewels of your emporium,
are the lives of those betrayed.
Tho’ you’re blind to their accusing,
your guilt has soiled your hands!
… and careless in your laughter -
as thoughtless in your words -
you have yet to seek forgiveness,
for the actions of your deeds.
The code of life is Love!
When will you see the Light?
To free yourself from your attachment,
to the world of material greed …
However, it must be said that the tone of the blog and therefore the exhibitions, is not meant to be a satirical one; but that in light of the global chaos.....we need to continue with what we do and to do it well, in the hope that along the way we bring cheer and hope to the lives of others whether it be by way of our work or ...if we're able - to provide financially.
To this end, may I congratulate the artists and thank the guests for the funds raised in support of God's Treasure Chest - Ros was delighted and extremely grateful!!
I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw:
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest- and poverty will come upon you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man'
Below l-r: guests Brenda Andries and Julia Knowler
Watercolours to the left - top Blue Crane
by Jeannette Edwards; and
Blue Nude by Thelma Buzzard
Oils to the left by Wendy Horner: Cows I & II
Photo below - staunch supporters Ian and Sharon Marsh
Bottom photo - Wendy-Lee and Nick Horn
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