Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Artist - Juliette Gjersoe - Westville

Well, how wonderful to have Juliette back!!

Bold, confident colourful........she's the epitomy of an emerging, though established artist and has taken to the theme, Emergence, like a duck to water...

Palmiet River (740 x 590) - a framed oil - the evidence and emergence of filtered light through the canopy of trees.....

Bowl of Roses (500 x 500)

Juliette has been busy busy and will be submitting 10 oils (4 of which are mini....and are signed as such!! MINI !!) - see above

Tulips and Peaches (600 x 450) - above; and
Five Lillies (460 x 610) - below

....there is a definite journey of emergent colour and light depicted in each one....

however, there are two oils - Shell to Wave and La Tuna' (300 x 600) which have been specifically created to encompass all that Emergence might mean.....

Of La Tuna, Juliette has this to say: ...to rise up from beneath; and of Shell to Water - this....come to light, appear, arise

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