Monday, March 31, 2008

Artist Highlight - Corrie Scribante, Mt Edgecombe -KZN

I met Corrie a few years ago and was immediately drawn to her warm, gentle personality.

It is in this manner that Corrie paints - her paintings depict a classic style encompassing the warmth and richness of oils. Corrie uses colour dramatically yet fluidly..........boldly yet with subtle touches.

So why does Corrie paint?............To quote her:

"It's just a passion - I love it!! - I would be lost without it!!"

It's as simple as that - passion!! - something so evident in Corrie's paintings and her life!! I'm so excited about these latest paintings of Corrie's which will be on the exhibition - photos just don't do them justice - texture is lost in a photo and texture/depth is what you'll see in her oils.....

Artist Highlight - Shirley Royal, Berea -KZN

It's quite something, this blogging...putting thoughts down in some sort of organised yet creative way!!....and the person that I want to highlight on this post, Shirley Royal, friend and artist - is just that!! - organised and incredibly creative!!

It's so exciting to have Shirl on board for this next exhibition - the photos of Shirley's oil paintings posted here are just some of the examples of her work. The statement "attention to detail" embodies Shirley's work and for that matter, her lifestyle!

I asked Shirley why she paints - she had this to say:
" I have always known that creativity is what we were created for - and that this finds its outworkings in every facet of our lives! It is only in recent years that I have been priveleged to find myself in the position of being encouraged and mentored by an artist friend to explore it (art) in earnest on canvas and paper. It has been deeply satisfying to play with different mediums and make all sorts of discoveries along the way and I look forward to the journey yet untravelled......."

The leaf shown here is an example of the detail and care taken in Shirley's drawings

Shirley is currently working on 3 botanical drawings for the exhibition......
Also shown here is a photo of one of the botanicals - a Chinese Guava

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Autumn Art Exhibition @ Home

Home is where the Art's @... 225 Eastview Road, Durban North.

New Season - New Work ...........

Over 20 of our talented local artists will be exhibiting. There will be a wonderful selection of new original works to capture your imagination....and basically just enjoy!!

Artists exhibiting :
Jean Whysall, Bill Lewthwaite, Mabel Armitage, Shirley Royal, Corrie Scribante, Sharon Goulding, Lesley Freeman, Barbyra Smith, Ann Maree Harrington , Diane(Dinky Jacobs), Marlene Dickerson, Trish Lang, Colleen Barker, Janet Gray, John Donno, Maureen Swanepoel, Linda name a few....more names to follow........
All Art Lovers are WELCOME - A wonderful opportunity to browse through the fabulous and varied collection of art

Dates and Times: Thurs 17th and Fri 18th April 9am-6pm
Sat 19th April 9am-3pm