Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Artist: Norma Akester, GILLITTS

It's been awhile since Norma last exhibited on one of my Exhibitions.....Needless to say, I'm chuffed to have her back. Her work is always of an interesting nature - there's definately nothing "twee" about Norma!!

All of her new paintings are oils...with a story to tell.....this is what Norma has to say:
There's Windmill (above) - with an emergent purpose of drawing that life giving source...water

Full Blown (Poppies) - relative to open blooms - it's alive!!

The set of Chrysanths - an unfurling and dropping of petals...

An Almost Desolate Place - a quiet, almost melancholic painting of an open space with a few emergent trees

Last but not least and perhaps with the longest story to tell, is the painting - Last Stand, Gillitts Bluegums - which when first introduced to this country, were planted in vast numbers as the properties of the timber - straight and hardwood - suited the requirements for props used in the, however, they are being eradicated as Alien Plants which are also too thirsty and draw too much from our water table. I took a photo of these last fews trees after driving around Gillitts in search of them......

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