Monday, October 20, 2008

Artist: Michael Ralfe, UMDLOTI

Ex farmer Michael's love for Mother Earth is unswerving......his subject matter is reflective of how nature is a constant source of inspiration to him!

At the last SmArt exhibit, Michael showed a piece called Homebound, which I believe sold recently at an Exhibition at Sibaya. As a follow up, so to speak, he has painted Ngunis atRest(acrylic - 400mm x 700mm)Here Michael has painted a soft and dusky background which contrasts greatly with Homebound's stark white background....creating a mellow feel which he sums up in the comment : freshly emerged from a busy day, now quietly resting and chewing the cud.....

The other painting being exhibited, is a large oil - Buffalo Sunset (720mm x 1200mm) - awashed in glorious yellows, reds and oranges: ....and so they emerged from the bush, attracted by the magnetic sunset

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