There's a scripture often quoted from Corinthians that encompasses all that Ann Maree's paintings are!!............."The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.."
Each painting is reflective of her bubbly personality.....a love of and for .....all things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small.....
Of her oil, Flower Children - Goats Elite, she has this to say....
The Merino's are the greedy flower children; but they do serve!!!.....
Good Morning Lord - ...Ann has this to say about how she was inspired to paint this colourful Rooster and his wife marching out with confidence in the early morn....I was teaching Christian children and we had so much fun doing roosters who were waking up and saying "Good Morning, Lord!"
Two small; but interesting paintings in an emergent sense of their relevance, Tap- Bath Tap and Odd Tap will also be exhibited.........Taps, Water!! Water - life giving and cleansing...taps are really the most valuable implement in the home! (Bath Tap)....The Odd Tap sticking/emerging out of the garage wall was funny!!
The innocence of childhood is beautifully captured in Our Precious Ones.....'Their's is the Kingdom of Heaven'..this was in a magazine (a no!no!) but I couldn't resist the whole image....interest, surprising confidence and they're ours! They are our African heritage, Bless them!! ....the work was still in progress when photographed - Ann was busy creating forms of this continent which wander up the 'shades' of the painting
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