Friday, October 31, 2008

Opening Evening - Emergence Exhibition-29th October

The Heavens opened and the rain poured down....we hurriedly dropped all the blinds on the verandah, shifted some of the furniture in from the edges...and hoped for the best!

It had all been set up, crisp white tablecloths........glasses, wine, food, flowers..................and ART...would the people come out in THIS weather......ah Durban....perhaps not?

......and then it was all over and a glorious rainbow emerged ......the promise of a perfect evening - and it was!!

As always, I am incredibly grateful to those who came - without people, there's just no party!!

....and to those who helped - in particular Cheryl and Trevor Cox, who both just did not stop running to and fro with the eats and drinks!!...

To the artists and guests alike - Thank you for your invaluable support!...........To the artists in particular - your work was outstanding - I thank you for making it one of the best exhibits yet!!...
(top photo - Cheryl Cox , my right hand lady!! and me)

The quality of work on exhibit was acknowledged , and commented on, by many!

Given the theme of the exhibition, Emergence, the artist's comments about their paintings/works had all been noted on the Exhibit cards - this proved to be a factor that most enjoyed - providing a little more information about the piece than the usual details viz title, medium.

Ladies night out,l-r: Rose Howell,fellow guest  and artist Maddy Finlay

One of the highlights of the evening, ie besides the wonderful works on display... - was the address by the guest speaker, Karien Hunter (of AMC Hunter Inc) - an incredibly busy lady with an enormous capacity to assist charities in areas where her expertise is needed.....

and then, of course, the heartrending account shared by Ros Visagie of God's Treasure Chest - the nominated charity. Ros' story of the beginnings of the home for rescued children was both enlightening and challenging! That one woman, with an enormous capacity to love, can pursue her vision to give children abandoned and close to death, lives filled with hope and a future - is indeed humbling! (Photo above, l-r: Ros Visagie and Karien Hunter).

So, what have art and charities to do with one another?? Therein lies the challenge to us all.... in these difficult and trying economic times, it's often difficult to take the focus off ourselves and place it on the needs of others less fortunate.

The primary intent of the exhibition is indeed to showcase and sell the wonderful pieces that all have been so hard at work on; but if we allow self to dominate - a stifling of the creative's with eyes and hearts wide open that we get to see, hear and appreciate the world around us!!

With permission, I would like to quote two extracts from The Saga of the Soul (Atomic Atman), by D C Leslie-Pringle which is a satirical piece about human nature in's thought provoking - an introspective tool....
and the victims of your avarice
fall like chafe before the scythe,
as you trample through their suffering
heedless of their cries.
… and you reap a ravished harvest
in the conquests you pursue …
as you crush the weak and weary,
leaving scars across their lives!
… and the profits in your coffers … lie tarnished,
like their blood upon the sand.
… and the jewels of your emporium,
are the lives of those betrayed.
Tho’ you’re blind to their accusing,
your guilt has soiled your hands!
.....and another excerpt from the last verse

and careless in your laughter -
as thoughtless in your words -
you have yet to seek forgiveness,
for the actions of your deeds.
The code of life is Love!
When will you see the Light?
To free yourself from your attachment,
to the world of material greed …

However, it must be said that the tone of the blog and therefore the exhibitions, is not meant to be a satirical one; but that in light of the global chaos.....we need to continue with what we do and to do it well, in the hope that along the way we bring cheer and hope to the lives of others whether it be by way of our work or ...if we're able - to provide financially.

To this end, may I congratulate the artists and thank the guests for the funds raised in support of God's Treasure Chest - Ros was delighted and extremely grateful!!

To confirm this statement - I quote, this time from Prov 24 v30-34 'I went past the field of the sluggard, past the vineyard of the man who lacks judgement; thorns had come up everywhere, the ground was covered with weeds, and the stone wall was in ruins.
I applied my heart to what I observed and learned a lesson from what I saw:
A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest- and poverty will come upon you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed man'and so, without further's Hiho's off to work we go!! photo - artist Juliette Gjersoe and daughter chat to Jean and Jeremy Whysall

Top photo,l-r - Walter Hurlimann, artist Mabel and her husban Bevan Armitage
Below l-r: guests Brenda Andries and Julia Knowler

2 groups within this pic - to the left Marlene Dickerson with guests, Sharon Marsh facing the the right of the pic is artist Emma Robb(in blue) with guests Maureen , Ellie Pharoah (with the grin!!)and Jenny Triall (back to camera)

Nola Steele and Maureen Chadwick with artist JOZI in the background

Watercolours to the left - top Blue Crane
by Jeannette Edwards; and
Blue Nude by Thelma Buzzard

Oils to the left by Wendy Horner: Cows I & II

Photo below - staunch supporters Ian and Sharon Marsh
Bottom photo - Wendy-Lee and Nick Horn


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Artist: Maddy Finlay, AMANZIMTOTI

Maddy 's 3 oils are part of an emergent artistic process .....nudes are not the norm for her....given mostly to painting pots, landscapes and sidewalk cafe scenes.....this is indeed a stepping out!!

Tastefully painted with a reflective air and appreciation of the beauty of a woman's body , the 3 form a set; but are able to be hung individually given the right spot

Artist: Bev Letard, UMHLANGA

Bev is an exceptionally busy yet passionate artist. Not content to simply adopt one style as her own, she is a dab hand at trying and creating new ways of doing things.

The paintings being exhibited reflect her flexibility, her ability to merge and work various media uniquely.

There are 4 mixed media paintings - a pair - Perfect Poise I & II;

Repose -
a young dancer at rest

After the Dance.......
a beautiful study in muted pinks, blues and greys

They are all reflective pieces......Bev had this to say about the collection:
Dancers are evocative of movement and expression...

Fighting crabs -
a framed watercolour , presents the emergence of dominance

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Artist: Trish Lang, BALLITO

Trish is one of those artists that never fails to surprise........from floral to nude to wildlife...she encompasses her subjects with passion, and insight

Two oils on exhibit... both capturing the very essence of Emergence in two very different ways....or are they?????

Out of the Darkness(800mm x 800m).....he suddenly apppeared and......disappeared as suddenly.....

Cocoon (800mm x 600mm)
a nude with a different story to emergence to an independent life........

Artist: Mabel Armitage - LA LUCIA

There are few artists able to capture the essence of my opinion....Mabel is an artist well able to do just that!!

......though reticent to put into words that which she captures in her work...preferring the paintings to speak for themselves...Mabel had this to say about the 3 Emerging Musicians - all oils - that are being exhibited: - Special sound emerging from within your what else could actually be said??

Another painting being submitted - an oil - is that of The Masai emergence into Womanhood.....again Mabel has managed to capture a look in this woman's face that tells a story......

Artist: Jean Whysall - DURBAN NORTH

Jean's work is always as colourful, always as inspirational as her garden is......and though she has submitted four oils for exhibition - one in particular, Emerging Poppies (1000mm x 750mm) was painted with the theme in mind...

Poppies! My favourite subject - I love the way the new Poppies 'emerge' from their buds into glorious colour

Others on exhibit are:
Chinese Inspiration (410mm x 505mm) - a still life photo to follow - which is framed

Going Home (600mm x 700mm) - a peaceful painting which embues just that...the end of the day...going home; and

White Hydrangeas (750mm x 750mm) - a lovely soft study in shades of green, blue and white

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Artist: Sharon Goulding, DURBAN NORTH

Sharon has to be one of the most versatile artists around!! There are 3 oils being exhibited and each one totally different in style, colour and relevance to the theme.......

Two of the oils, Balloon Girl and Stargazers were works in progress at the time of the photographs being taken; but even in their incomplete state.....are emergent!!

Balloon Girl - 400mm x 600mm - representative of an emergent youthfulness, carefree and childlike.....those were the days...freedom at play!!

Stargazers -500mm x 350mm) a floral still life that is emergent in the sense that it's (florals) not something that Sharon often paints...and when she does, admits that she finds .....stretching!!

Working the Fields - 350mm x 300mm - an oil that Sharon is passionate about....emergence of my true self - this is the artist in me

Artist: AnnMaree Harrington, QUEENSBURGH

There's a scripture often quoted from Corinthians that encompasses all that Ann Maree's paintings are!!............."The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof.."

Each painting is reflective of her bubbly personality.....a love of and for .....all things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small.....

Of her oil, Flower Children - Goats Elite, she has this to say....
The Merino's are the greedy flower children; but they do serve!!!.....

Good Morning Lord - ...Ann has this to say about how she was inspired to paint this colourful Rooster and his wife marching out with confidence in the early morn....I was teaching Christian children and we had so much fun doing roosters who were waking up and saying "Good Morning, Lord!"

Two small; but interesting paintings
in an emergent sense of their relevance, Tap- Bath Tap and Odd Tap will also be exhibited.........Taps, Water!! Water - life giving and cleansing...taps are really the most valuable implement in the home! (Bath Tap)....The Odd Tap sticking/emerging out of the garage wall was funny!!

The innocence of childhood is beautifully captured in Our Precious Ones.....'Their's is the Kingdom of Heaven'..this was in a magazine (a no!no!) but I couldn't resist the whole image....interest, surprising confidence and they're ours! They are our African heritage, Bless them!! ....the work was still in progress when photographed - Ann was busy creating forms of this continent which wander up the 'shades' of the painting