The Poignant Portrait above is "Peggy's Grand Daughter"
Could it possibly be her determination and drive to succeed?'s an account of how Pearl 's career in the art world began....and of her seemingly exhausting schedule that she just seems to take in her stride!!..I'm of the opinion that CAN' not a word that exists in Pearl's dictionary!!
Above, watercolour - a painting simply entitled 'Chester'
"Many years ago I was told by my artist sister that I would never be an artist, and that set me off. I painted in oils for many years and taught for 7 of them.
I then went into watercolours and have been in that medium for 8 years and for last 1 year into Pastels - I recently have painted quite a few commissions in this medium.
I love painting animals, portraits, airplanes, trains, anything that I can photograph is transformed into a painting. In fact, I love painting and spend as many spare hours as I can sitting wherever I can - painting.
Amazing what you can do whilst sitting on the lawn.

Apart from the many things that keep me busy, is feeding Feral Cats,President of both the North Coast Art Group and Manor Gardens Garden Club, Gardening, Housekeeping and Cooking. I exhibit where I can, I work on the computer doing my own scanning, printing and designing (no templates) to put together Year Event Calendars, Notepads, Bookmarks, Greeting Cards(originals painted), Postcards and Mini Calendars.
Each page on the Event Calendar and Notepad have a mini picture of one of my paintings, usually a selection of 5 which are then repeated.
They come in a series of Animal and African scenes as well as portraits of People,Cats, Dogs and Horses. Above is an example of one of the pastel Cat portraits (Postcard)
....and to the left - a delightful watercolour postcard"On the Road"
a lot of what I receive in monies is spent on feeding Feral Cats and I support Animal Anti Cruelty in SA, donating the occasional painting for them to raffle
Below, "The Happy Giraffe" - a watercolour postcard

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