Friday, April 17, 2009

Artist - Ronnie Huber - MORE!!

After the sale of the 2 Nguni's, I approached Ronnie for more of her available work...and that's exactly what I received - not only by way of art..but more so by way of diversity - in colour,form and subject....a whole lot MORE!!

...and it starts with "Steel Blast Furnace in Vanderbijlparl" - a mixed media piece (oil/charcoal/acrylic) on canvas that explores the other side of life...........a work after work

And moves onto the ' 4 Tswana women ' an oil on canvas (1000mm x 800mm) - clothed in tactile, voluminous colour.......women draped in splendour....with a purpose!!

A move away from form and colour of a human nature to an evocative unfolding of Mother Nature , is the simply titled "White Roses" - an oil on canvas (1000mm x 800mm)....that embodies all the colours, shades and tones of white ....and the gentle pervasive palette of pinks in "Bowl of English Roses", also an oil on canvas (1000mm x 700mm)

There is an almost poignant approach to"The sculptor" at work on his creation , an oil on canvas(1000mm x 900mm) that captures the essence of all that art,form, colour,shape; and most importantly -the passion within that drives the creation without

The mixed media (oil/charcoal/acrylic on canvas) piece below,ambiguously entitled "Point Road/Mahatma Gandhi Road." best embodied in the following saying from Havamal (1000 year old words of wisdom)- Sayings of the Vikings ....on the subject of Renown..of which Point Road needs no introduction...however with regard to the new name viz Mahatma Gandhi.......

Cattle die
kinsmen die
all men are mortal.
Words of praise
will never perish
nor a noble name

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