Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Artist: Jeannette Edwards - Durban North

Ever consistent, not one to be daunted by the challenge to think outside of the box, Jeannette has submitted the above oil, entitled "Freedom" (750mm x 600mm) as her theme piece. She has this to say about it:

The Horses in the Desert is called "Freedom - Living on the Edge." It was originally just Freedom, but after reading your motivation about animals living "on the edge" of the herd, and thus putting themselves at risk, I thought Living on the Edge fitted these wild horses. I took lots of dune photos in Dubai, and they are red in the evenings, but this painting could be Namibia where the Wild Horses are, or in the Mid East with Arabian horses................

The other two pieces submitted: the pastel above "Out the Cherry Box'' - (290mm x 330mm) a framed work which won second prize at an in-house North Coast Art Group competition.... and the oil on board below " Out the Window" (400mm x 210mm framed)

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