I loved Ilma's take on the Age of Antiquity...simply - all of Creation in existance...The Ancient of Days.... the detailed oil painting above
Aloe Ferox (770mm x 510mm) somehow represents the
'softer side' of an Aloe...which oft is thought of in a '
prickly' sense....
Ancient of Days is a name for God in Aramaic: Atik Yomin; in the Greek Septuagint: Palaios Hemeron; and in the Vulgate: Antiquus Dierum.
The title "Ancient of Days" has been used as a source of inspiration in art and music, denoting the Creator's aspects of eternity combined with perfection.
William Blake's watercolour and relief etching entitled "The Ancient of Days" is one such example. ...see the sidebar
The seascape oils above & below are a pair - Seascape waves....ushering in all too gently - Seascape, Ghost crabs
(both 255mm x 610mm)
Ancient of Days
Blessing and honor, glory and power
be unto the Ancient of Days
From every nation, all of creation,
bow before the Ancient of Days
Every tongue in heaven and earth shall declare your glory
Every knee will bow at Your throne in worship,
You will be exalted, oh, God
and Your kingdom will not pass away,
Oh, Ancient of Days
© Gary Sadler & Jamie Harville,Integrity's Hosanna! Music, 1992.

...and then there's a little oil with a bold stance... Ilma's point of reference, ever seeking out to do 'original' work , was one of her own photos - and is simply and sufficiently entitled....
Zebra (250mm x 355mm)
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