Thought it time to post an update on the happenings of the APRIL 2008 exhibit. This one proved to be rather an interesting and challenging one in all aspects! Interesting because of the "new' visitors to the exhibition- an exciting happening in the development/growth of these exhibits. Challenging(as always) because to hang the art co-hesively, giving due attention and credit to each piece is no easy feat!! Hopefully the photos posted here will give some sort of indication...................
The exhibition was blessed with glorious weather! This meant that there was no need to put the blinds down on the verandah - which made more light available (okay except for the one evening when we had load shedding- thanks to my Dad for the generator!!) and the 'feel' more open and airy!
It's always a welcoming site to see people coming in; but even more gratifying is the look of pleasure and surprise on their faces when they see the quality of the work available - and for that - a great big thank you to all the artists!!
As sales go - which is after all, one of the reasons why we have the exhibition - I would have liked to have seen more of the art sell ( I'm sure that I'm not alone in my thinking here...) but am not unhappy with the overall outcome ie 13 pieces sold over a 3 day period!
What was encouraging is that the blog helped to sell several of the pieces and after the exhibition, I happened to speak to a few people who had not been able to make it to the exhibit; but had in fact gone onto the site to look at what was going to be shown.
In particular, a comment made to me was that it helped 'nervous' art buyers to get an idea of who the artist was, their background and to see their works overall impression was created.
I view this as extremely positive feedback and look forward to future art /exhibition run-up posts!!
This post would not be complete without congratulations given to those artists who sold, namely
Ann Maree Harrington;
Trish Lang;
Sharon Goulding;
Shena MacDonald and
Jean Scott
Something I've come to realise, after due consideration to comments made/general feedback is that the Smart Art Exhibitions are still in a season of growth
- it's an exciting time with many ideas/suggestions to be considered which I hope will give way to an even more successful exhibition the next time (which is due to run towards the end of July).